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Two Decisions, Two Moments Making History

Today we have seen two major announcements. The first one from Raul Castro and Barak Obama. It must change the last 54 years of US - Latin American history. Obama’s administration will have to fight US Congress to get the laws reformed in order to end the embargo of October, 1960. It does not look easy. Do I agree with this step? Yes. Completely? No. We need to see real changes in Cuba and not accept another China in Latina America, in which human rights and democratic institutions are under the control of a minority.

Differences between China and Cuba are huge. Obama’s administration must support full liberties for Cubans and free elected institutions. Cuba should not become a new market for US corporations to fully operate in and take advantage of the situation while Cubans are still living in the dark.

Pope Francis is credited with developing this new order of relations between the US and Cuba, but Canada played an important role as well. Good for Canada but, Mr. Harper, pay attention to this: Do not forget Falun Gong and the many cases of slave labor, especially with children that everybody knows happens in China. Do you want Cuba to be the next Communist “Capitalist” of the Caribbean?

The second announcement came from Danielle Smith, the former leader of my Party, the Wildrose, to cross the floor, support Jim Prentice and join the Alberta’s PC. To me they are kind of similar in a way that both are claiming to make a step forward without taking into consideration what should be must important to any leader: the people.

I join Wildrose last April 2014 believing it was an opportunity to participate in Canadian politics and get involved, trusting Danielle’s leadership. I was tired of Redford and Alberta PC way of leading the Province. The PC’s decided to stop supporting Redford and she resigned. Prentice won the leadership process and, to be honest, he deserves an opportunity to show that he can not only lead the Province but also change the PCs. He decided to take this on, so be it.

However, one thing is to let him do his job and another is to be irresponsible with the people you are representing and let them down. At this point, if Danielle felt that she had no other option her decision should have been resign her role as leader of the Wildrose and also her seat in the Legislature. It was the more responsible thing to do. Otherwise she is just playing politics.

I truly believe in Politics with a capital P. I am motivated by a strong personal commitment to service. I became a politician back in my country, Venezuela, when I was 16 years old because I love it, and still do. Despite all the things that you can see after almost 30 years, I still want to be in Politics to keep serving to the wellbeing of the people, strongly believing in the Principles, Ideas and Values I have learned, acting accordingly and being respectful to each person. The other way around, doesn’t work me.

Today, two decisions, two moments making history. They are opportunities to learn that Politics is about service for the good of everybody in the city, the country and the world we live in.

Calgary, December 17, 2014


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